Course Web pages
- APIE Camp 01 @ Keio Univ. (Feb.2023)
- APIE Camp 02 @ ITB (Aug. 2023)
- APIE Camp 03 @ USM(Feb. 2024)
- APIE Camp 04 @ UNHAS/USM (Aug.2024)
- APIE Camp 05 @ UNHAS/USM (Nov. 2024)
- Participation to the APIE Camp at the site.
- Submitting all required document and activity logs
- Final presentation at SOI Asia monthly seminar or other events.
Course Contents
- Day 0
- Team building
- Ex) Basic Japanese for staying in Japan for a week.
- Team building
- Day 1
- Introduction
- Installing Linux
- Create UTP cable for your PC
- Install Linux
- Design and Configure a network
- router
- Switch
- Wi-Fi AP
- router
- Day 2 Virtualization
- Virtualization and server/network
- Virtualization hands on (ESXi)
- Virtual machine and network setup.
- ESXi integration to lab network.
- Linux server installation and setup
- Apache configuration
- Day 3 DNS
- BIND installation and setup
- Basic DNS configuration for campus network
- Authoritative server
- Full-service resolver
- Security
- Day 4 Cloud technology
- What is cloud computing and why do we need it.
- AWS basic hands-on
- Account setting
- EC2 deployment
- Database
- Load balancing
- Understanding the use cases
- Day 5
- Final presentation to summarise the week
- Security Operation Center visit
- Discussion on security and carrier path for analyst.
- Day 0
Course achievement
The badge holder can…
- Explain how the devices are connected to a network.
- Explain how networks are connected to each other and the Internet.
- Design and deploy a small network.
- Identify problems and fix them in daily network operations.
- Apply configuration to network devices for network deployment.
- Debate network security risk and protection on daily network operation.
- Apply basic configuration on services running on the Linux server for network operation.