APIE Camp #06

The APIE Camp #06 program, hosted by Universitas Brawijaya, was held from February 10th (Mon) to 14st (Fri) in Malang, Indonesia.

This is an invitation-only program for learners who have completed
the APIE ONLINE Courses 1 and 2

Program Schedule

February 9
Travel dayTravel day

Short meeting in the hotel(TBA)
February 10
Network deploymentIntroduction of Camp program.
Configure switch and routers to configure campus network. (VLAN, OSPF and other topics)
February 11
VirtualizationLearn and configure virtualization related technology and Linux.
February 12
DNSConfigure DNS using BIND. Each group will setup Authoritative name server and full-service resolver.
February 13
IoT and cloudIoT basic session in the morning. Also study about cloud computing platforms and try AWS boot camp.
February 14
Site visit and summarySummary of the week.
Visit data center and/or NOCs. Also discuss with professional engineers.
February 15Travel dayLeave Malang, Indonesia

Who’s who

The APIE Camp is developed and taught by a team of experienced professionals and trainers. Through their expertise and background, they share the challenges facing internet engineers in the region.


AITAC (Advanced IT Architect Human Resource Development Council)  is an organization of experts from industry and academia in Japan aiming to nurture Internet architects who can design and operate such comprehensive systems. 

KEIO University

Keio University is a leading educational institution in Japan, well known by its strong research programs in a wide range of fields and its commitment to education. Keio is also known for promoting international exchange programs and global partnerships.

APNIC Academy

APNIC’s primary role is to provide Internet number resources (IPv4, IPv6, ASNs) to members in the Asia Pacific region. The APNIC Academy supports the people who build, operate and maintain the Internet providing online learning platform and training programs.

For participants

We are preparing a special guide for participants. It will become available in the end of  April 2025.

Your learning Environment -Universitas Brawijaya


Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in Malang, Indonesia, inspired by the legacy of Majapahit kings, is a top-ranked institution blending tradition with innovation. With 18 dynamic faculties, extensive student activities, and a mission of community empowerment, UB offers boundless growth opportunities. The campus is a beautiful, shaded space filled with gazebos, vibrant gardens, and diverse flora and fauna, creating a serene environment for study and relaxation. Accredited globally, UB is committed to inspiring students to make a meaningful difference locally and worldwide, all within a uniquely lush and culturally rich setting.

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